Good Afternoon Liskula!
I hope this blog finds you well and having a wonderful day! As I was reading through the Wall Street Journal yesterday, I became aware of some feisty little actions you were up to.
The Journal quotes -
"Earlier this year, a Vogue magazine model Liskula Cohen sued Google to unmask the name of a person who called her a 'skank' on a blog hosted by company's blogging platform, Blogger. The culprit - an acquaintance of the model - seemed stunned that her anonymity wasn't protected. The judge ordered Google to give Ms. Cohen the name of the blogger or information leading to the name"Hmmm...
That filled my head with all sorts of ideas. They all eventually met and materialized into this blog/letter to Ms. Cohen asking her to go to similar great lengths to reveal great things said about her.
Keep in mind I know nothing about her/you(in case somehow she is reading this lowly rag)
Yet....I wouldn't mind a little press.
I wouldn't mind a little article in the Wall Street Journal stating Liskula Cohen pursued Google to find out who on earth would speak such amazing things about her.
Also, I'm using the name Liskula Cohen as many times as humanly possible in this article so that Liskula Cohen herself just might read this.
Liskula Cohen, you are an amazing woman!
Liskula Cohen, you are a charm!
Liskula Cohen, if I met the skank who referred to you as a 'skank' I'd call her a skank! Word is born Ms. Cohen.
Liskula Cohen, if all the water on earth dried up. Your nails could be melted down and would miraculously quench millions of thirsty mouths. Yes, that is true.
So, Ms. Cohen, pursue Google to find all these wonderful things written about you and then if you don't mind...become a follower of my journal.
Good lookin' out Ms. Liskula Cohen!
Oh, and if all of these compliments don't get it done, I'm posting a classy photo of you.
Cease and Desist Orijanel